Hello everyone, and welcome back to another one of my blogs! I hope everyone has had a wonderful week so far and I hope that the rest of your week is even better. <3
Today I’m going to be sharing a few highlights from my week with all of you.
So if that interests you keep reading!
As some people may know, lately I’ve been trying to give my all to recovery. I won’t ever pretend that healing is easy. Somedays recovery honestly feels impossible, however I know that with hard work and dedication I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
I’ve been going to a lot of NA meetings lately and I’m beginning to become more familiar with the program as well as the people in it. Recently I have found myself having to get used to the fact that people in the rooms have flaws and character defects of their own, regardless of how much clean time they have.
Who would have known right!?
Thinking about it now, I feel kind of silly.
Of course they’re defective, why else would they be in this recovery program? Haha.. Anyways! I think I appreciate the fact that everyone in these programs are beautifully imperfect. It makes me not feel the need to mask the person I truly am.
While we’re on the topic of NA, this Wednesday I finally got to pick up my key tag for 9 months of clean time!!! I remember someone in the rooms saying that once you pick up the sunny yellow key tag (9 months) your world will start becoming a little brighter each day, and I’m starting to understand what she meant by that. Things have really been looking up for me and I’m so incredibly grateful for everything and everyone who made my recovery possible.
Yesterday, I was lucky enough to be able to attend take back the night. If you’re not sure what take back the night is, it’s a women’s rights movement. From my understanding this movement was started because women are afraid to walk the streets alone at nighttime and I’m sure everyone is aware of the reasons why. I got to listen to a few brave female speakers last night and I was moved by everything about them. Their openness, courage, strength and beauty. If you know me I’m not one to cry, but their experiences had me tearing up. I particularly related to one of the women who spoke, it was almost like she was telling my story. I think the march was my favourite part of the event. Although I ended up loosing my voice by the end of it, I had a blast! I truly felt as though I was fighting for not only my own rights, but also the rights of billions of women around the globe.
What an amazing experience that was, one that I won’t ever forget.
Thank you to everyone who stuck around to this point. Once again, I hope that you all have an amazing week! I will be posting some exciting new content within the next couple of weeks so make sure to stick around and check it out.
Until then, peace out!
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