Housing &
A safe place to build hope and a future
SafeHope Home Day Program
The SafeHope Home day program is provided to participants from Monday to Friday, 9:30AM to 3PM. Our program is a long-term comprehensive program that is catered to meet each individual participants needs. We have a core component of 33 courses that each participant is required to complete to successfully graduate; as well as a set of elective programs. Our courses have been carefully selected and created by human trafficking and trauma experts to provide the participants with utmost opportunity of healing and recovery.
The objectives of the program are that participants will be equipped to:
Successfully resolve past issues of abuse and addictions (if applicable)
Engage in healthy relationships
Manage emotions in a healthy, functioning manner
Improve quality of life and increased level of self-esteem and self-compassion
Break the cycle of abuse in their own lives
Reach a higher level of education and employability skills to move forward as successful contributing members of society

Some of the programs include but are not limited to:
Mindful movement
Family patterns
Art therapy
Joy journaling
The classes are 45minutes in length with 15-minute breaks between each class. There is a 30 min lunch break in the middle of the day. Participants are required to attend programs every day unless a medical doctors note is provided.

​At SafeHope Home, we recognize the extreme difficulty of working through lifelong trauma and acknowledge how draining and emotional if can be for our participants. We also acknowledge that most of our participants have never had the opportunity to engage in extra-curricular activities as children and therefor we offer them the opportunity to do so. Each participant can choose from several activities outside of SafeHope Home that they would like to engage in after programs. Some of the program offerings have been horseback riding, music, kickboxing, dance and rock-climbing lessons. These programs are a way for the participants to get out into the community and participate in something that they are passionate about while also taking their minds off the intensive recovery programs. We also strongly encourage and support participants to complete their secondary and post-secondary education. We believe that education is a fundamental right of everyone in our nation and we do everything that we can to support the furthering of education for our participants.
Extra Curricular Program Offerings

SafeHope Home provides survivors of human trafficking a safe and supportive home to reside in while working on their recovery. In this supportive context participants develop basic living skills. This unique house encourages independent living in a roommate environment. Each participant has their own bedroom and can come and go from the house freely, while respecting house rules and curfews. The House Manager resides in the home with the young women. The residential home is intended to be a place of healing for those committed to recovery. The residence is a place where the participants are supported and encouraged to learn basic life skills in conjunction with our SafeHope day program while being in a safe environment.
Stage Two Housing

SafeHope Home is committed to ending the cycle of sexual exploitation and human trafficking in the lives of the participants we support; however, it is recognized that not everyone who is in need of services will require or want a live-in setting for service acquisition. SafeHope Home is committed to supporting all survivors whether they choose to continue to their journey of recovery in the community, have left or have graduated SafeHope Home’s long-term live-in program.
SafeHope Home offers follow-care services to young women who have previously resided in the residence after they have graduated from the program. Participants in follow-care are monitored as needed and receive assistance in transitioning from a community live-in program to independence. Participants in follow-care are able to remain involved and access services from the medical doctor, dentist and trauma therapist they saw while at SafeHope Home. All the services that are available to Outreach participants are available to Follow-care participants upon exiting the live-in program. Participants will be monitored by staff on a scale deemed appropriate per individual need.
SafeHome Home Outreach & Follow-Care
What is Outreach?
SafeHope Home offers outreach services to survivors of Human Trafficking or those at risk to being trafficked, who, for whatever reason have either chosen to not enter the live-in program, have been deemed an unideal fit for the home at this time, or have adequate outside support.
Referral Criteria: none. All those who are vulnerable to or have been trafficked are welcome in our outreach program. Please email: outreach@safehopehome.com
Other Outreach services include weekly group gatherings where you will find yourself a part of a safe, welcoming community of like-minded individuals. This is a space where we share, uplift one another, and discuss meaningful topics. Every other month we have a fun group activity to build community and belonging and just lighten the load of everyday life.
Outreach participants will also have access to a medical doctor familiar with treating survivors of human trafficking, working with a trauma therapist, as well as employment readiness programs and education planning. Participants involved in SafeHope Homes Outreach Program are also eligible to receive assistance with groceries and other necessities, help with Ontario Works (OW), the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and acquiring housing should they need it. SafeHope Home also offers peer mentorship, court support and connecting individuals with other community resources dependent upon their needs (i.e. mental health and addiction services), as well as more practical assistance with life skills such as parenting, budgeting and transportation.

SafeHope Home works in tandem with certified doctors, therapists and psychotherapists as means of providing holistic care to participants within the organization. Participants will be assessed and scheduled for regular trauma therapy sessions that are provided at no cost to the individual. Trauma therapy is offered to participants (Outreach, Follow-care and those in residence) as means of moving towards the end goal of healing and recovery. Participants are responsible themselves, should they need to cancel a session, it must be done so 72 hours in advance, providing notice to the therapist themselves.
Trauma Therapy
Outreach & Follow-Care Support Line
All participants in the SafeHope Home outreach and Follow Care programs have access to a support worker via telephone or text message.
Contact Hours: Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm.