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Getting too Comfortable

I personally find it very easy to get too comfortable in recovery, I thought I would explain what that looks like. When I find myself getting too comfortable I begin to stop attending my recovery groups, stop leaning on my supports as much, and overall just kind of isolate from the recovery community. This usually follows after a period where I have been doing well. It’s easy for me to trick myself into thinking that I no longer need my supports not realizing they’re what’s aiding me in succeeding.

Getting too comfortable in recovery is extremely dangerous, it can lead to re-lapses in old maladaptive behaviours such as substance abuse or other forms of self-harm these lapses can be life-threatening, unfortunately not everyone who re-lapses will have the opportunity to come back to recovery.

I think it is also important to note that relapse is a part of recovery most people do relapse and come back, I also want to say that yes it is often said that it is a part of recovery but it shouldn’t be used as an excuse to repeatedly go back to old behaviours.

Recovery is hard to navigate and there is no one right answer, everyone’s needs are different. If you’re new to recovery keep an open mind try everything you may be surprised with what ends up working for you. Something that surprised me was the amount of help I actually needed, when I came into SafeHope Home I thought I would stay for a couple of months and be fixed, here I am a little over a year later just starting to prepare to transition, don’t get me wrong I’m so happy I was able to stay this long and be supported in the way that I have been, the fact that I’m able to still be supported once I transition provides me with a huge sense of comfort as well.

Ciao for now



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